Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Helpful Home Secrets

I remember reading about these remedies and I would like to share what I have saved and written down. Plus there are some of my own that I think are helpful.

1. Got ink stains? Try milk! The basic milk can help to remove the absorbed stain.

2. Another shocking use of milk: dipping curtains in the liquid will make them look like new.

3. To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag!

4. Toothpaste has a lot of uses; wash crayon stains off the wall, remove pimples, deflog goggles, clean sneakers and CDs, and my favorite, rinse your hands with toothpaste after handling garlic or onion to remove that awful smell that you get for the whole day! Polish your diamonds to make them shine! Patch up holes in the wall made from nails.

5. Coca Cola might not be so good to drink but it has powerful strength for cleaning! Shine gold and silver by placing it in a cup with coke overnight. It works with coins too! Unscrew a rotting bolt with a coke-soaked cloth. Clean burnt pans by letting them soak for a little. Cleaning the toilet or tile from those hard stains can also help!

 6. Add vinegar and sugar in warm water to prolong the life of flowers in a vase!

7. To remove burnt food from pans, add a little soap and water and boil on stove top for a little while.

8. If you over-salt a dish, add a potato to absorb the salt.

9. Lavender keeps insects away and looks very pretty at an outdoor party or wedding!

10. Keep ants away by drawing with chalk. They will not pass a chalk line!

11. You want to see if an egg is fresh, immerse it in water. If it sink then it is fresh.

12. Add sugar when boiling corn to bring out natural sweetness.

13. Place a small cup of baking soda in the fridge to help with odors.

Anyone have any other helpful home secrets? Please share!

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